Pero… ¿qué hacemos cuando no hay ticket regalo ni posibilidad de cambiarlo y el regalo es tan sumamente horroroso que no podemos usarlo sin perder la integridad?
La solución me la dio un amigo el otro día: el enemigo invisible (Tachaaaann!!). Según me explicó, en marzo celebran un enemigo invisible en su empresa, esto es, un regalo que te han hecho y que no quieres tirar porque te da pena, se lo regalas a otra persona para que sea ella la que lo tire sin miramientos. ¿Y por qué en marzo? Porque el regalo ya ha estado el suficiente tiempo en un cajón de tu casa como para que el apego emocional haya desaparecido.
¿Qué os parece? A mí me encantó la idea!
Feliz día!! Keep smiling!
It’s said that the 7th of January is the day that most gifts are returned in stores. This is partly thanks to the blessed “Gift Ticket ", a great invention!
But ... what do we do when there is no ticket or chance to change it and the gift is so very awful that we cannot use it without losing the integrity?
The solution was given to me by a friend of mine the other day: the invisible enemy (Tachaaaann!!). As he explained to me, in March they held an invisible enemy in his office, that is, a gift which was made to you and you don’t want to waste it because it makes you feel sorry, you give it away to someone else who will pull it with no punches. And why in March? This gift has already been long enough in a drawer in your house so that emotional attachment is gone.
What do you think? I do love the idea!
Happy day! Keep smiling!
Una idea genial, asi no sentimos remordimientos de conciencia. ;) Merche