A mí me encanta la Navidad, las luces, los villancicos… la gente parece más feliz, con más ganas de hacer el bien para con el prójimo, nos hacemos regalos, nos reunimos con la familia, nos ponemos guapos, comemos, comemos… ah, y comemos! Pero, por favor, todo a su debido tiempo, no podemos estar ocho semanas celebrando algo que en un principio duraba solamente quince días.
Aun así, todos los años me hace la misma ilusión ver cómo llega la Navidad. Os dejo unas fotos de algunos escaparates que he visto esta tarde, os suena alguno? :)
Pasad un feliz fin de semana y nos vemos a la vuelta. Mmmuuuuááá!!!
... and here I am with this mess! It’s me or Christmas arrives earlier each year? I was already surprised that the 31st of October evening they started to advertise on TV El Corte Inglés toys’ catalog, but today I have gone around my neighborhood and there was none shop window that does not give a wink at Christmas. Well a wink I said ... some already have the tree, reindeer and Santa Claus!
I love Christmas, the lights, the carols ... people seem happier, more eager to do good to our neighbor, we get gifts, we met with the family, we get all dolled up, eat, eat ... ah and eat! But please, all in due time, we cannot be eight weeks celebrating something that initially lasted only fifteen days.
Even so, every year it makes me excited to see how Christmas comes. I have some photos of some shop windows I've seen this evening, does any seem familiar to you? :)
Have a happy weekend and see you around.